The cool pool : It didn't seem to bother Sweetie-Pie that all of the pools were kind of cold, since she wanted to stay in the water for more than the 1-1/2 hours we were there. One thing that changed was that Jillian had better "sea legs"; she rarely fell down when wading around in the water.
Wake-up time : As tradition goes, this is one that the older cousins would rather not see anymore. Bright and early in the morning, Jillian woke up and immediately said that it was "time to wake up the kids". First was Tierney, then Brock and finally Ty, who she proceeded to jump all over.
The big moat : Normally, Jillian doesn't want much to do with the big sand castle that the kids stand on, but this time she thought it was pretty cool to stand on it way up high and watch the waves come in.
Jill the Destroyer : Jillian borrowed this from the original destroyer, Ty. We all played a game of who could build the biggest stack of poker chips before Jillian destroyed it.
It was another great kids beach trip. It's too bad it only comes twice a year.
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