Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Busy Day Inside

When Jillian arrived, Brock and Ty were busy having snacks so Jillian got right in the middle of them and wanted a snack too. They were having Princess Fruit Snacks so she was excited about that. It was a rainy, dreary day outside so Jillian got acquainted with all the inside toys again. Brock and Ty played sleeping on the couch which she enjoyed with her baby doll but there was more wrestling than sleeping.

I brought out the pounding toy that Jillian hadn't seen for awhile and she wasn't very good at using the hammer at first, but she has super determination so after awhile she was furiously hammering. She could pound down all 6 posts in no time. We told her that she was ready to help Daddy build on the new house.

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