Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Scheduled Birthday

Mommy went to the OBGYN today, and Daddy and Jillian tagged along. Jillian had been wanting to go to the hospital, saying "I'm going to tell the doctor I have an owie." She's been hoping that they'll give her another band-aid. When the nurse showed up and Jillian told her about the owie on her knee, the nurse said she didn't have a band-aid and that her knee was looking much better. Oh well.

The nurse checked Heather's blood pressure, and it was high again. When Doctor Fox came in and did some other checks, she provided some options about what to do next, but she also said that she highly recommended that a C-section be performed sooner rather than later, to avoid any problems that come with going past the due date. And when she said "sooner", she actually meant in the next day or two. We weren't quite prepared for that, but Heather said that if Friday was open, then she'd like to do it then. So, the new baby will be born on September 17, and share a birthday with her Grandpa Ken and Auntie Karen.

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