When Jillian got home, it was time for a nap, because she was soooo tired. It would end up being a short nap, though. We woke her up early (which led to a tired and out-of-sorts little girl), as there was much trick-or-treating to be done.
Next, we went home real quick and went to our neighbors' houses. Jillian liked knocking on the doors, after which she would get all tense and start shaking with anticipation, knowing that someone was coming out. When the neighbors held out the candy, Jillian always went for the extra handfuls, grabbing candy until the bowl was pulled away.
We then took off for Castle Rock, stopping at Grannie and Papa's house first. Jillian was very excited to get a new pair of "cow" boots in her bag. But she was even more excited to do some coloring and listen to books (her usual things to do there). We made the quick rounds, going to Uncle Kevin and Aunt Julie's house (where she played with their keys), and then to Uncle Dan and Aunt Robin's house (where she played with their drawer of cups).
It was very late, so we made one last stop at Cindy and Scott's house, where it was a party with Wyatt bouncing a balloon all over the house. Jillian was a very tired and delirious Sweetie-Pie, and when we got home, she was ready for bed.
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