Sunday, November 15, 2009

New Stuff XIV

These summary updates are the way to go. There are so many new things, it's about impossible to list each in its own post. So, here's the latest:

1. Little Miss Social : With Jillian talking a lot these days, she has started talking to other kids. Usually, these kids just look at us and ask "what did she say?".

2. Straight Arms and Bent Legs : When Jillian doesn't want to be picked up, she holds her arms straight down at her sides, tight to her body, so that we can't get our hands under her arms. If we do happen to pick her up, she'll pull her knees up. This is all helping Mommy and Daddy with their exercise.

3. "ABC" : Jillian is learning to sing the ABC song, which she has called "A-C". If we sing it to her, she'll watch our mouth, and try to (silently) mimic the sounds herself ... we can see her lips move the right way, so she'll probably try singing it soon.

4. The Blame Game : If Daddy asks Jillian who took something, she'll say "Mama", even if she didn't take it. When she's at Grannie's house, she'll blame "Papa". When Daddy says "She / he didn't take it", Jillian will smile and say "noooo".

5. Empathy : On a couple occasions, Jillian has cried when someone else has gotten hurt. Grannie took a tumble a week or so ago, and while she was on the ground, Jillian started bawling, and wouldn't stop for quite a while. Recently, Daddy cut his finger, and when Jillian saw it, she started crying and whining; then she wanted a bandage for her own finger.

6. Snuggle Bunny : If we take Jillian outside when it's cold, she buries her head next to ours, and tucks her hands underneath herself, while saying "cold".

7. "Wa-hoo" : This is something that Jillian says when something cool happens.

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