Saturday, November 28, 2009

New Stuff XVI

Continuing with the weekly updates on what's new with Sweetie-Pie:

1. "Fix it" : If we tell Jillian that something is "broke", she'll tell us to "fix it". We've usually had to say this about some of her books, that have had pages ripped out of them.

2. "I'm OK" : When we ask Jillian "Did you poop?", she'll reply "I'm OK" ... meaning either that she didn't poop, or that she doesn't want to be changed.

3. Sympathy : One way to get Jillian to give us a hug or kiss is to play the sympathy-card. If she sees someone crying or sad, she'll run over and give them hugs and kisses. So, we'll pretend cry whenever Jillian refuses to give a hug or kiss when we ask for one.

4. "I'm happy" : When we were out walking the lake, and Jillian had collected a bunch of leaves, she said "I'm happy" with a big smile.

5. "I'm big girl" : There's no particular occasion for this one. She'll say it whenever, then stand up and stretch real big with her head up high.

6. "Throw it out" : After a diaper change, Jillian immediately starts yelling "throw it out", meaning she wants it thrown into the garbage. Of course, she also yells "I do it", because she wants to throw it in the garbage herself. Sometimes we let her do it for the wet ones, but not the dirty ones.

7. Mommy's iPod : It didn't take very long for Jillian to figure out how to turn on Mommy's iPod that's docked in the Bose speaker. When she wants to listen to music and dance, she goes right up and presses the big button. Then, she keeps pressing the button and saying "new song".

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