Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Stuff XV

The weekly update on Jillian happenings, all new and fun:

1. Short Trips : Jillian likes to say "bye-bye" and disappear out of sight for about 1 or 2 seconds, then reappear and say "I'm back". She usually does this with her shopping cart when she goes "shop, shop".

2. Elmo Diapers : The diapers at home have Mickey Mouse on them, which apparently doesn't excite Jillian as much as Elmo diapers ... the Elmo diapers are at Grannie and Papa's house. Whenever we change her diapers at home, she starts yelling "Elmo".

3. Dishwashing 101 : Jillian likes to unload the dishwasher. She started helping Papa Woodruff at his house. She grabs the spoons and forks and throws them (literally) into the drawer. Sometimes they end up all over the place. Papa Woodruff is hoping this little-helper phase passes soon.

4. Book Throwing : It's not only silverware that gets thrown. Jillian has also started chucking the books at us when it's time to read. She gets a running start with the book behind her head, then flips it at our tummy. The paperbacks aren't too bad ... it's the huge Rhyme Bible that hurts.

5. Early Reader : If Mommy or Daddy is busy, sometimes Jillian will read a book out loud to herself. It sounds like a bunch of words we can't understand, with the occasional "Thomas" or "Elmo" thrown in.

6. Last Molars : Those final teeth way in the back must be coming in, because Jillian constantly has her fingers jammed into the back of her mouth.

7. Hide-and-Seek : Jillian does NOT like the hide-and-seek game. When we try and play it, she refuses to wait for us to hide; she runs after us. And if we do manage to hide where she can't see us right away, then she starts crying.

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