Sunday, November 8, 2009

New Stuff XIII

More and more, in a big bunch again (long work hours and being sick has limited the number of posts by Daddy the past couple weeks):

1. "How about ...?" : Jillian has been saying this for a little while now. It's one of the many phrases that she has picked up and repeated.

2. Early Riser : It used to be that Jillian would sleep until we woke her up in the morning. Now, she has been waking up very early, sometimes at 5:00 am or so when Daddy gets up for work. And when she wakes up, the first thing she says is "milk".

3. A Little Bit of Separation Anxiety : This wasn't much of a problem up until recently. When we take her to the church nursery, she won't stay, even with all the toys around ... unless there's another kid there. If she sees either Mommy or Daddy leaving the house, she says "I go" and then cries if she has to stay.

4. Name Dropping : Jillian has gotten good at attaching our names to the end of her demands, such as "Lay down, Da-da" or "Come, Ma-ma".

5. Blocks, Revisited : There's been a change in attitude with the blocks. It's not just about destruction anymore. Stacking has become the thing-to-do. She's doing well at stacking them up several levels high.

6. "All Done" : If we're not paying attention to her, Jillian will say "all done" and pull out of our hands whatever it is that we're holding.

7. The "Hi, Baby" Game : Jillian likes it when her dolls talk (even in Daddy's voice), so the game she like's to play these days is the "Hi, Baby" game. Two of her babies face each other and talk, and when music is playing, they dance and jump. Then, they high-five each other and Jillian, and give hugs and kisses. Finally, one of the babies helps Jillian build with the blocks, saying "heavy" when carrying the heavy blocks, and naming the colors of the colored blocks.

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