Wednesday, March 17, 2010

2-year Check-up

Jillian made a trip to the doctor's office today, for her 2-year check-up. Mommy drove her down, and Grannie came along, since Mommy had to go to the doctor herself to check on the new baby.

As soon as they were called back, Jillian started whimpering. Apparently, she was beginning to remember her past visits. Then, when the nurse measured her length, she began crying. And when it came time for the weighing, she was full-out wailing. Mommy and Grannie worked on trying to get Jillian to calm down. When Dr. Carrasco came, he tried hard to make Jillian relax. He checked both Mommy and Grannie before doing the same with Jillian. He did all the usual checks, and everyhing was normal. Jillian now weighs 27 lbs 6 oz, and her height is 35 inches.

The nurse came back in, and Jillian started crying again. Some fluoride was applied to her teeth, then came the bad part of the visit ... the shot. Mommy held Jillian in her lap, and the nurse gave her a quick shot (Hep A) in the leg. Jillian cried again. The nurse put a band-aid on her leg, but Jillian quickly tore it off in anger. Mommy and Grannie got Sweetie-Pie dressed and went home to end the doctor visit.

At home, when Jillian is asked where she went, she quietly says "doctor". When she's asked why she went, she talks about the owie on her leg (even though she points to the wrong leg).

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