Wednesday, March 17, 2010

New Stuff XXIII

Whole bunches of new things to talk about. Mostly because Jillian has lots to say these days:

1. "Talk to Me" : When Mommy and Daddy are talking to each other, Jillian starts yelling this at us.

2. "Look at Me" : See the one above ...

3. Wonder Pets : This is a weird little kids show on television, that Jillian has watched a couple times. She loves it, because we find her singing the theme song a lot: "Wonder Pets, Wonder Pets, On the Waaaaayyyyy!"

4. Pats on the Back : If Jillian is coughing (usually after drinking too much water), she'll walk over to one of us and put her back to us, meaning she wants us to pat her on the back.

5. Pants on the Ground : Jillian has become more interested in the potty again. Now, when she wants to go potty, she takes her pants and diaper completely off, all by herself, and sits on the potty.

6. "What's Wrong, Mommy?" : She has asked this many times, sometimes when Mommy had the back pains, and sometimes just because.

7. "I'm So ... " : We hear this a lot. Jillian uses it for emphasis, and the ones we typically hear are "I'm so thirsty", "I'm so hungry", and at night-time, it's always "I'm so ready [for milk]".

8. "That's kinda silly" : She says this whenever she sees something funny.

9. Time-Out? : Jillian was being crabby and yelling, so Mommy said "Do you want a time-out?". Jillian said "yes", so Mommy replied "Then go to time-out". Jillian started crying and then ran down the hall to stand in her time-out spot (on the rug at the back-door). She continued crying for awhile, standing the whole time on the rug. Eventually, she decided to come back when she was ready.

10. "Cute" : We hear Jillian saying this a lot whenever she sees something cute. This mostly happens with her clothes, or with babies. She even said this about Cousin Adam when she saw him sleeping.

11. "Yahoooo!" : When it's time to be happy and celebrate, Jillian yells this out.

12. "Where Are You (Mommy/Daddy)?" : This is asked whenever she can't see us, and sometimes even when we're right in front of her.

13. Lotsa Talk : More and more often these days, Jillian likes to talk and talk ... to herself, to us, or to anyone.

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