Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Birthday Number Two

Jillian celebrated her birthday again Sunday at Grannie and Papa's house with many of her Aunts, Uncles, and 10 cousins. The cousins all put on their Dora hats too (with just a little prodding). Jillian grinned from ear to ear when everyone sang "Happy Birthday". There was a Jillian quiz that everyone played, marking their answers that they thought Jillian would say, which was so unpredictable. Like, "What color crayon do you want?" She has always picked brown for everything but of course this time she said "Blue". Who do you want to play with, Mocha or Rielee?", was another question. A hundred times she would have said Rielee but this time she said Mocha. That's what I mean by unpredictable. Rielee was a good sport about it. Then the volleyball players there were surprised when she said she wanted to play soccer instead of volleyball. She was very entertained by their groans and cheers whenever she said an answer. She received so many nice clothes and toys and a promised trip to the zoo with the Johnsons.

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