Monday, March 29, 2010

Windy, Rainy Beach Trip

Not only was it windy and rainy at the beach, but it was also kind of cold, too. So, Jillian didn't get much beach time. We made one attempt at it on Sunday, and as soon as Jillian saw the ocean, she took off running and didn't stop until she got to the water. Once we were there, it was so windy, that her hair kept blowing into her face. It bothered her enough that she didn't want to stay, so we headed back to the beach house.

The highlight of Jillian's trip to the beach was definitely the Astoria pool. She finally got to wear her new Dora the Explorer swimsuit. We had been talking about it in the week previous, so that's all she talked about. When we first got into the kid's wading pool, she walked around and said "I'm in the pool" over and over. She slowly took it all in, playing a little bit and watching other kids. Eventually, she really got into the whole swimming thing, and ran back and forth between the wading pool and activity pool, splashing and yelling. After more than an hour of playing, we said it was time to go, and Jillian started crying. She continued wailing in the locker room while getting changed. She felt better after sharing a milkshake with Daddy.

It had been a while since Jillian had been to the beach house, so she spent a lot of time exploring, playing with the wooden puzzle and poker chips, and reading all the books. The weather was not very nice, so she spent a lot of time doing these things in the beach house. It was still a nice, relaxing time, and it's a good warm-up for the upcoming Kid's Day at the Beach.

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